Dantoy TinyBio Bundle


When you purchase our Dantoy Tiny bio Bundle  we will plant a tree on your behalf with the help of  The National Trust

(Full Description Below)

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When you purchase our Dantoy Tiny bio Bundle we will plant a tree on your behalf with the help of  The National Trust

This bundle is carefully selected so you don’t have to think about the products you’d like to display in your shop, by colour pallet, age, and theme.

Our “tiny” line of baby products is designed for the very young, extending down to newborns. All products are made of bioplastic and the entire series qualifies for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. The toys are eco-friendly and do not contain harmful chemicals. The sugarcane is harvested every 6–12 months.  Bioplastic made of sugarcane is a 100% sustainable raw material

The Dantoy Tiny bio Bundle Includes:

Teether Ring Blue & Grey x 4

Teether Ring Red & Beige x 4

Bucket Set in Gift Box x 3

Play Cups x 4

Pounding Bench x 4

Shape Sorter x 4

Funcars x 4

TB Boat Set x 4